Get in contact

A little bit about me
Firstly my name is James Larkin. I’m an Irish web designer / developer in Nantes with a strong love for graphic design not to mention marketing, and photography. I love going to restaurants (Though these days it tends to be for lunch and not that often), cooking, and have a small obsession with Lego.
This is a personal blog about this, that and the other that’s happening in Nantes. You might find it interesting.
If you’ve something related to Nantes to share feel free to get in contact. I’m on most social networks and you can find me on the Knowing Nantes Facebook group where I’m an admin.
Send a message
James Larkin
Dot Parade
3 Rue Mercœur
44000 Nantes
bonjour [@] nantes.design
(Please note this contact email address may change especially if it starts to get heavily spammed)
Technical Details:
This website is hosted on my dev box with Digital Ocean in Amsterdam. I generally do not host customer sites on this. For that I generally host them with Blacknight If the website falls over I’m probably playing with the server / rebooting / installing something on it.