Dear Nantes, please stop spamming me with these magazines

Dear Nantes, please stop spamming me with these magazines

I know that everyone is different. Some people enjoy the feel of a book or a newspaper in their hands and that’s great I too like a magazine I can flick through and I sometimes opt to buy them or pick up a brochure. What I don’t however like is having...
Hellfest 3 days passes on sale Wednesday the 9th October 2019

Hellfest 3 days passes on sale Wednesday the 9th October 2019

I still haven’t made it to Hellfest! I keep on saying one year I’ll go but I just never get around to it. That said I know lots of people who’ll be trying to get their hands on three day passes. They go on sale on Wednesday 9th of October at midday!...
A new app for cyclists in Nantes – Vigilo

A new app for cyclists in Nantes – Vigilo

I’ve recently enough started to cycle to work. It has had its ups and downs … but that’s mostly due to the little hills around Nantes. One thing however that does bug me is the blatant disregard for cycle paths at times by motorised vehicles. Hey,...
The SuperU Birthday Box

The SuperU Birthday Box

Didn’t I only just post one of these last year? In the post the other day I again received a happy birthday message with a voucher. This time around I knew what I had to do … so over to the info desk yesterday at SuperU Dalby I went and hey presto the...
The Autumn Sun Pizza

The Autumn Sun Pizza

I was just taken out for lunch to celebrate … and the question is … where do I want to go? I felt like someplace cosy .. so it was either going to be Beckett’s Canteen or Pinocchio’s Pizzeria I’ll give you two guesses which one I went for...