Mask Up in Nantes

Mask Up in Nantes

As you hopefully know the wearing of masks in Nantes is Mandatory since last week. Port du masque obligatoire dans toute la ville de Nantes Now the number of places where it’s been called for has increased from this morning...
Covid Test for Free in Nantes

Covid Test for Free in Nantes

So this is coming up a bit at the moment and I’ve been asked a few times in private messages .. where can I get tested for free? Well over the last few weeks free tests have been conducted in two (I think) places in Nantes. This week it’s happening in the...
Forum des associations place Cousteau samedi

Forum des associations place Cousteau samedi

In case you’re interested joining a club or an association now could be the time to check some out Theatre / Martial Arts / Dance … there’s probably something for everyone 🙂
The Museums are Free 1st Sunday September 2020

The Museums are Free 1st Sunday September 2020

With the rentrée comes some form of return to normality? and yes the museums are free this Sunday the 6th of September 2020. So take your pick! Château des Ducs de Bretagne – Musée d’Histoire de Nantes Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle Musée Jules-Verne Musée d’arts de...
Folie des Plantes 2020

Folie des Plantes 2020

So if you feel like getting out of the house this weekend it’s the Folie des Plantes once again however this year it’ll be in a little bit of a different format. Masks will be required. There’ll only be Sellers / Artists on site selling their wares....