So my glut of cherry tomatoes comes to an end for a bit. I’m going vegetarian for tonight’s dinner. I took a look around at a few different recipes and opted to go with some oven roast balsamic glaze cherry tomatoes with red onion. Served up with some Puy Lentils.
Here I’ve got around 100g of Puy Lentils and I’ll cook in a pot with the peeled garlic clove and a pinch of salt. for around 20 minutes. You’ll want to check your lentils for cooking times though. You can get fast cook you can get slow.

Half your cherry tomatoes … thinly slice your red onion .. and into an oven proof dish. Some olive oil … a good splash of balsamic vinegar and a spoon of sugar .. with some herbs. My go to mix generally is a nice herbes de provence mix. Give it a shake / stir around and into the oven for 20 to 30 minutes at 180C. It’ll really depend on the size of your tomatoes / onion.

Drain any excess liquid from the lentils. Squish up the boiled garlic … and mix it in … add your roast veg and enjoy. You could add another splash of balsamic to serve. The thinly sliced red onion with the tangy sweet sauce and the lentils go really well together.
Enjoy 🙂