Nearly two years ago I posted up a link to an article from Numerama on Knowing Nantes about a new system Bloctel from the French government to help consumers stop getting harassed by cold callers / marketeers.

Bloctel On Knowing Nantes

I was reminded a few weeks ago about the service. The person who’d asked mentioned that since they’ve signed up they’ve had no calls. Today I finally bit the bullet and said what the hell I’ll sign up.

You can sign up online by providing some basic details on their website. You’re then allowed to add up to 10 numbers that you’d like to “protect” from these sorts of calls. You create an account, receive a confirmation email click the link and hey presto you’re signed up. It shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes ( Unless your French is really bad 😛 )

Sign up

Where do you go? Head on over to

The Bloctel Website

Does it work?

Some people say yes … some say no

The magazine 60 Millions de consommateurs ran a survey last year for a week at the start of April of more than 3700 people and the results? Not so great.

  • 47% said there was no change
  • 38% said it was a bit better
  • 15% said it was a lot better

It has however been a year since that survey so I’m hopeful.

During the week we receive roughly 1 call a day on the fixed line. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I probably receive 1 call every 2 weeks on my mobile.

So what’s on your account?

My Bloctel Account

It’s all pretty basic in there … update your password. Update your details. Update the numbers you’ve got on file with them.

As I understand it the system works by people adding numbers that are harassing them via this type of form.
(The number also needs to have been on their system for 30 days)

Add Harassing Numbers to Bloctel

Marketing Companies breaking the rules face a fine of up to €75,000 however there were only 50 cases last year with 25 resulting in fines (and possibly not the full amount)

Have you used bloctel and noticed a difference?

Links: Bloctel60 Millions de consommateurs