I’m finding myself home alone and with a glut of cherry tomatoes to use this week. What to do, what to do.
First up I’m making what I think of as quick and easy pizzas. Are they anything like a pizza? Well kinda they’ve got a tomato based topping and cheese? Maybe that’s where the similarities end but that’s ok.
Today I’m frying up a red onion and garlic clove with some cherry tomatoes in some butter. Load it onto your baguette and top with whatever you’ve got. I’ve some cured ham to use up and a small bit of emmental cheese. Goats cheese? … Olives? .. sun dried tomatoes? .. bacon … chicken … Bung it under the grill to melt the cheese for a few minutes (I use a low heat)
Finally try to make it look a little bit prettier with some basil.
Why do I like these? Well for one it’s a great way to use up a bit of baguette. As you’re not using any premade sauce in the mix you know a bit more precisely exactly what you’re eating which is always good in my books. Don’t have cherry tomatoes? Just use some normal tomatoes.