Port Du Masque Obligatoire

I have to say it’s not surprising. Since the end of confinement, things have just ramped up and up. We seem to give in to peer pressure as we see others not wearing masks or touching things or not maintaining distances we start to do the same. It’s just an observation on my part. It went from people giving a wide berth in supermarkets to people practically shoving to get to the same items.

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday to see the above sign at my Monoprix (close to work). They required people to use some hand gel as well.

Macron announced on the 14th he would like to see masks being obligatory in public indoor spaces (not to mention public transport) from the 1st of August well it looks like that date is now going to be from the 20th? Jean Castex announced it would be starting next week.

Visactu released another infographic yesterday which is kinda disturbing.

VISACTU Health Infographic on France

With the R0 number on the rise this basically means we’ll end up seeing an increase in the number of cases. It needs to be less than 1 in order to halt the spread. With Pays de la Loire at 1.5 … this means that every infected person is potentially infecting 1.5 other people. Continue that trend and things get scary.

Personally I’ve got to cut back on going to the shop daily and get back to a weekly shop. I’m cycling to work so avoiding public transport. While I do wear a mask in shops … avoiding shops when it’s not necessary to go would be a better solution.
