For some reason, this feels like it should be a stew but it isn’t. I’ve got cherry tomatoes to use up. I’ve raided my freezer and I have got a thick Henaff sausage to use that I picked up on special. With a short shelf like but 30% off I’ll buy if it looks ok and freeze immediately for a rainy day. 

Normally when I’m home alone I don’t make an effort to cook what so ever but I’m determined to change that this time around. Not to mention any excuse to try taking some photos.

For this recipe you’ll want 10 – 20 cherry tomatoes. 1 thick sausage. Mine is frozen here so I’ve given it a bit of a fry on the pan to defrost a little bit. I’ve taken a large shallot though a red onion would probably give a nicer flavour and I’ve cut it into rings and placed it into a small oven safe tin. Dump your tomatoes in on top … a splash of olive oil and some herbes de provence and a shake around. Place your sausage on top and cook in the oven for 15 minutes at 180C.

When the time is up throw in a small tin of drained white beans. (I’ve given them a rince as I’m never sure what’s in the liquid)

Back into the oven for another 15 minutes and serve. 

Please note the one tin of white beans also means I’ve got some left overs for tomorrow’s lunch. Adjust the recipe as you see fit. 

Also this might not look so pretty but the flavours are insanely nice with the juice from the cherry tomatoes, sausages mixing with the herbes de provence making the white beans incredibly tasty.