This is an incredibly quick and simple recipe. It’s perfect for an apero or like I just did … for a refreshing lunch.

First thing is first however … kiss your loved ones goodbye! We’re going having raw onion and raw garlic here πŸ™‚

Bruschetta Ingredients

For the ingredients I’m using 1 white onion chopped up finely. I left out half the bulb as I felt it’d be too much.

1 tomato chopped up rather finely.

A few leaves of basil. Fresh is good or frozen. Doubtful dried will have the same effect.

A decent splash of olive oil. Again the better olive oil is going to yield a much nicer taste.

1 small clove of garlic. If garlic repeats on you you could leave it out. You could use more or less I used a small clove. Pulled out the centre stalk / green bit? that tends to add quite a kick especially to a raw mix.

Balsamic vinegar ( 1 – 2 teaspoons depending on your tastebuds )

Here I’m using 2 slices of bread from my bakers. This would be nice on a baguette as well. You could make up small bite sized chunks if you’re serving this for an apero.

Bruschetta Mix

Chop everything and mix it well. You just want to mix it around not mash it.

If you’re not in a hurry leave it in the fridge for an hour to chill and to absorb the flavours.

Bruschetta on Sliced Pan

Toast your bread and top with theΒ  mix. You’ll have the nice warm bread with a chilled mix on top.

Bruschetta Toast

Enjoy πŸ™‚

What I made above was enough for two nice slices of toast so adjust your recipe as you see fit for more or less.