NOËL AUX NEFS 2019 Starts Today

If you don’t know what it is, you’re in for a bit of a treat.

Every year behind the Elephant you’ve got Noël aux Nefs. This year is no different and starting from 2pm until 7pm most days …  you’ve got Ice sculptures being created … an Elephant Parade®? (No not just our beloved elephant) .. a merry go round … poster sales … glass blowing … Mulled Wine .. Hot Chocolate … Christmas decorations

Christmas At Les Nefs

Un troupeau de 20 statues d’éléphanteaux customisés envahira les Nefs et 4 artistes seront invités à peindre 3 éléphants en live ! MIKA, Stephan Muntaner accompagné par Adrien Burnet et PEDRO.

Come see 20 highly decorated elephants and 4 artists who will be live painting 3.

Check the website for full details