I love porridge! There I’ve said it! It’s just not the right time of the year for a nice bowl of porridge in the morning now though. Enter the Flapjack. We probably all love them (Well I know I do) I don’t however have them that often. It has to be complicated to make right?

Someone asked last night where they could buy some in Nantes and Anne P. posted up her 5,6,7 recipe … I … had no idea what that meant but it’s 5 ounces butter 6 ounces sugar, and 7 ounces of Oats and yes it pretty much is as simple as that. (That would be 140g Butter 170g Sugar 200g Oats)

I went with 150g butter 175g sugar and 200g oats give or take.

Heat your butter in a saucepan and add in your sugar. It should dissolve so will probably take 5 or 6 minutes (stir you don’t want things burning) You also don’t want to cook this too much  … it’s the liquid for your flapjacks. Less liquid … less you’ll have to bind it all together. Add in your oats and mix well. It should be nicely coated (no dry oats)

Here I’ve lined a tray with some grease proof paper and I’ve added in my mix. Now the tray is quite a bit bigger than the amount of mix I have so I tried to shape it a little bit with the paper as best I could. You might notice some little flecks of orange? Well I chopped up some apricots quite finely and added them to the mix … got some seeds? chocolate chips? I’m really looking forward to mixing it up in future.

Place it in the oven at 180C for around 15 – 20 minutes (I killed the heat at 15 and left it in for another 5) It’s still quite soft when you remove it so you can still shape it slightly if you need to.

Shortly after you’ll want to cut your flapjacks to size. I ended up with 14 slices (2 disappeared .. cough cough)

If you leave it too long your mix is probably going to harden and break when you try cutting it.

You could probably top these with chocolate (and my kids would love me so much if I did)

I’ve been told these freeze well. So I can see these getting used for the Goûter for the kids in future 🙂