Charlotte's Burger Recipe PS

This is originally my chickpea burger recipe, however you can just as easily make some falafels from pretty much the same mix. It’s your choice really. Back when Charlotte was in Petite Section there was a call for recipes from the kids and this was what Charlotte wanted to put in … I even had a nice photo to go with it Surprise Surprise 🙂

What’s you’ll need

  • 1 tin of chickpeas ( I used a large tin this time around 800g)
  • 1 carrot (grated) ( It was about 125g)
  • 1 egg (to bind things together)
  • 1 onion (red preferably I used a normal onion)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 teaspoons of cumin
  • A pinch of salt
  • Coriander (Fresh)
  • A splash of lemon juice
  • Gram Flour (Normal flour would do but just won’t be as tasty)
  • A spoon or two of sesame seeds ( You could add in some pine nuts ) (Optional)

Heat your oven to 180C (These are pretty quick to make)

Put everything into your mixer / blender and pulse it a few times. You may want to work the mix back in if you find it’s sticking to the sides. Don’t over blend it or you’ll end up with a rather gooey mixture (You could add in some more flour to try to thicken it up)

Pre-Cooked Falafels

I used my hand to then mix it a bit more and form into balls. You could use an ice-cream scoop if you’re looking to get some consistency. Alternatively you can form them into flatter burger shapes. Your call both are nice.

Place them onto a tray (I like to sprinkle with some flour in an attempt for it to not stick) Into the oven for around 25 minutes at 180C

Jimmy's Amazeballs Falafels

To serve it’s up to you … I like to use them in a burger bun .. last night I had 2 sliced up with some tomato / rocket / whole grain mustard / cheese .. you could serve them up in a pita … (wife had them by themselves with a side salad)