Outside Pickles Restaurant

A few weeks back we took a trip to Pickles. We had originally planned to drag some Irish friends there for an evening meal but in the end we opted for something a bit more Breton and simple and went with some crepes (another blog post coming soon). If however you’re looking for a meal that’s a bit more up-market than your usual fair you should give Pickles a try. This is Val’s favourite place. I’ve had mixed results here …not to say it’s bad, I always try something different though and try to get out of my comfort zone with the food. This time the food blew me away and was one of the best meals I’ve had in Nantes.

Ze Menu chez Pickles

Price wise it’s also a bit more pricey at €18 for Entree / Plat or Plat / Dessert. Add on a glass of wine and you’re up to €22. As I know next to nothing about wine it’s always nice to be able to have a recommendation to go with your meal and they don’t disappoint.

Wine Pairings

I went with the Sablé Chèvre-Ribot Concombre as a starter … Val decided to go with the main and dessert. They try sourcing their produce locally and it shows in the taste as it’s all incredibly fresh and tasty.

Val went with the Maquereau confit

For the main I had the Pressé de Veau Nantais – Vanille. That blew me away with the mix of chilled and hot food.

Val’s dessert was the Rhubarbe & Cerise du Pays

All in all a pretty amazing meal and definitely something different.

What's The Damage

You can check their website at http://www.pickles-restaurant.com/

If you’re planning on going I’d recommend booking ahead as they are pretty busy. If you’ve any dietary requirements I’ve also heard good things whether you’re looking for vegetarian or gluten free they may be able to accommodate.

To top things off the chef (Dominic Quirke) is English!