Val originally wanted to head to the beach today, I’d checked the weather yesterday morning and noticed it was going to be pretty crappy today so we decided to make the best of yesterday’s sun. Direction Pornic!

Direction Pornic

The decision was made and we decided to opt for a packed lunch. We ate at a rather nice little pizza place  3 years ago and there are many options all along the port, but this time as there are four of us, so we opted to pack a lunch. It also meant more time for the beach and wandering. Pornic is around an hours journey in the car from Nantes. ( For bus details see here currently looks to cost €2.40 one way – Let me know if the link dies)

View Of Pornic

Pornic is one of these charming French coastal villages with a heavy feeling that tourism makes up a lot of the local economy.

The Walk along the Castle

The little port boasts an impressive amount of boats mostly of the pleasure variety I’m assuming.

Pleasure boats in the harbour

As with the last time we opted to find some free parking. Take note the car park in the center of the town gives 1 hour free parking and then it’s silly o’clock in terms of what you’ll pay.

Parking where we did also meant we have a nice walk through the town and out past the castle …

The Castle from the walkway

…past the small castle beach, .. the marina … and onto the beach we ended up spending our time at.

Pornic Boat race

The beach was beautiful ( not practical at all with a pram as we wanted to shelter by the wall at the far side of the beach. )

Feet enjoying the water

There was also a strong enough pull from the water so keep an eye on your little ones ( or yourselves for that matter )

The impressive sea crashing on the rocks

We weren’t the only people having a packed lunch, though the others were having those triangular packed sandwiches and salad bowls.

Packed Lunch

After a really enjoyable lunch / early afternoon play at the beach we headed back for an ice cream

I’d highly recommend that you stop at La Fraiseraie.

La Fraiseraie in Pornic

Their strawberries are to die for, you’ll even end up wanting to Instagram that puppy!!!

Ice Cream So Good you'll want to Instagram it

For what you get it’s rather nice though it was the most expensive part of the trip.

L'addition s'il vous plait

If you’re looking to get to a nice beach and see a bit of history along the way that’s close enough to Nantes then I’d highly recommend it. There are a number of beaches in the area to visit. This was just the way we did it.