Another rather simple but incredibly tasty recipe. It’s my version of a Salmon and Leek quiche.

Ingredients For Salmon and Leek Quiche

I’m including a price list from SuperU above … you can mix and match your ingredients … for example in my version last night I didn’t have any cream so I ended up using some cream cheese instead. I also used frozen Leek which are around 1euro the kilo I think?

For my version, you’ll need around 400g of Leek … 4 medium to large eggs … cream (in my case it was cream cheese last night) … I’m also using a ready-made puff pastry .. I’m using one with butter .. you could make your own base if you’d like and it’d work out cheaper.

To start … get your leeks frying on a pan for about 5 to 10 minutes (Mine were frozen and they tend to have more liquid in them)

Leeks Frying

Beat 4 eggs and mix in some cream (in my case it was cream cheese … you could also get away with just using milk) .. add a tiny pinch of salt (the salmon tends to have quite a salty taste) .. and pepper.

Eggs Beaten with some Cream Cheese

Once your leeks are cooked let them cool for a few minutes (or not) and mix it in with the egg and salmon (not in the same pan as you may find your egg mix starts to cook)

Salmon / Leek / Egg / Cream Mix

Into a baking tray place your pastry. It’s generally good to leave it out for 10 minutes before using it.

Add the mix in .. don’t worry you can spread it around easily enough.

Pre Cooked Quiche

Bung it into the oven at 180 for 20 minutes give or take. I gave mine an extra 3 or 4 minutes .. your ingredients / portions will differ as will cooking times based on ovens. I like to set a timer for 15 minutes check it … and add on another 5 minutes.

Salmon And Leek Quiche

Enjoy 🙂 .. I served this up with some leftover carrot soup I’d make the other night.

Total cost for the Quiche would be around the 5 euro mark. So not that cheap a meal but very tasty … great for taking to aperos / get-togethers ( Who wants to invite me around 😛 )