Chez nous we generally end up making a spinach and bacon quiche. It’s our go to quick bake for picnics and apéros. We however found ourselves with a bit of a surplus of leeks the other day (Thanks to a friend’s AMAP order) so we went a different route and ended up making a Salmon and Leek Quiche.

Salmon And Leek Ingredients

The ingredients are pretty straight forward. 1 decent sized leek. We didn’t end up using too much of the top green stalk as I suspected it might not be a huge hit with the kids. We chopped it into thin rounds. (You can use frozen as well) 1 small onion chopped very finely (The kids might not like big round bits of onion). 1 pack of Lardon de Saumon. 1 Pâte Feuilletée au Buerre (check the labels a lot of Pâte Feuilletée use palm tree oil

Pre-heat your oven to 180C.

Take your Pâte Feuilletée out of the pack and let it heat up a bit (room temperature)

Fry your onion in some butter and once it starts to brown a bit and add your leek. Fry for another 5 or 6 minutes. Beat 4 large eggs and a splash of cream in a bowl. Add the onion / leek mix in along with some diced salmon.

Place it all into the baking tray along with the pâte feuilletée. Smooth out the mix so it gets an even enough layer every where. Season with some pepper (you can probably leave out the salt as with the butter and the salmon they are both quite salty)

Salmon And Leek Pre Oven in baking tray

Set a timer for 15 minutes. Pretty much until it looks cooked (check it at 15 minutes you’ll probably want to give it another 5 or 10).

Cooked Salmon And Leek Quiche

Some photos taken with the main camera look a lot better than with my phone camera 🙂

Salmon And Leek Quiche Served

I mentioned AMAP up there? What on earth? Associations pour le Maintien d’une Agriculture Paysanne

You can read more here though it’s all in French.