It’s time for a quicky! … erm I mean a quiche!

This is the perfect dish to bring to an apéro or a picnic / beach. It’s also quite quick and easy to make. You can have it hot or cold and most people I’ve given it to really love it. The kids devour it as well but but it’s green you say .. yep! ( Did someone say bacon? 😀 )

Quiche Ingredients

The ingredients are quite simple. I use chopped frozen Spinach. I also make use of a pre made puff pastry because well … I just don’t really bake. You’ll also want 4 – 5 eggs / Cream and some Bacon.

First up you want to get your spinach thawed / heated up. So throw it in a pot with a splash of water and cover with a lid. You’ll probably want to leave it for around 10 minutes. Here I’m using about 12 cubes though that’ll depend. If you’re using fresh it’s going to be amazing but you’ll need LOTS.

Frozen Spinach

You’ll want to make sure you boil off any excess water in the spinach as well. The runnier it is the more soggy it’ll make the base.

Chop up your bacon! You can also use some Allumettes de Bacon Fumees.
Smokey is going to give a better flavour.

Chop your BACON

FRY!!! (Meanwhile preheat your oven to 180C)

Fry Your Bacon

Crack 4 eggs into a cup and add a splash of cream. Add salt and pepper to taste (I generally don’t add salt as the bacon is salty enough). Give it a good mix / stir with a fork.

Crack 4 Eggs

With your spinach defrosted (reheated) / Bacon cooked / Eggs and cream beaten together … mix it all together.

Add it all to your baking tray (with puff pastry already in it)

Uncooked Quiche

Give it around 15 – 20 minutes in the oven at 180C. It’s probably going to rise 10 or so cm in the oven. It’ll descend when you take it out.

Hey presto enjoy

Cooked Spinach and Bacon Quiche

In the past I’ve played around with the mix .. more spinach … more eggs … layer the spinach in first and then the egg / bacon mix on top. You can get some nice results.
