So I’m back with my wife’s favourite curry! It’s quite a quick curry to get going. It’ll take about 40 minutes in total to cook.

I’m also just using my normal phone for the photos so hopefully, the quality is ok 🙂

As always you can adjust the recipe up or down. Want it with more of a kick? add more ginger/curry paste.

For the recipe belowI’m using 2 smallish onions. 8 medium potatoes. A bit over half a bag of frozen chopped spinach. 2 teaspoons of curry paste. a 1inch piece of ginger, a large garlic clove,  and 2 small cartons of coconut milk (You’d get away with one no doubt as it’s what I normally use)

Spinach and Potato Curry Ingredients

Lets get started and chop your onion and get it cooking in a large pan (with a lid)

Chop Chop

Get your onion/garlic/ginger all frying at a low temp for 5 – 10 minutes. I’m chopping the onion quite finely (small kids can be tricky)

Fry The Onion

While your onion is frying away for a few minutes ( You can also add in two decent teaspoons of curry paste) peel and dice your potatoes.

Chop The Spuds

Again my potato cubes are quite small. The larger they are the longer the dish will require to cook but you also want a bite.

Fry The Spud

I like to fry the spuds along with the onion and to get them nicely coated with the curry mix. Add your coconut milk and cover for 5 – 10 minutes (Add some extra water if you think it needs it The spinach will have some liquid in it as well later). You want your potatoes to be mostly cooked. We’ll be adding the spinach to the mix which is frozen in my case ( You could use fresh) this is going to drop the temperature and need to melt. Sure you could cook it on the side but that means more washing up 🙂 Add a good pinch of salt to taste.

Coconut Spuds

Add in half a bag of frozen spinach (If the bag is one kilo well I probably added in 2/3rds (so around 660g )

Add The Spinach

Cook with the lid on for another 10 – 15 minutes. Test the potatoes to see if they are cooking and adjust the cooking time.

Final Mix

Serve in a bowl. If you’ve got some crunchy fried onion it goes great on top

Spinach And Potato Curry

Total Cost?

1 kilo of potatoes (about 80 cents at the moment)
1kg of Spinach was 98 cents. Call it 66 cents.
Coconut milk was 79 cents (Actually I picked them up with 20% off so even cheaper)
Curry paste (1.40 for the jar. I’ll gt about 4 meals out of a jar so I’ll call it 35 cents
Ginger/ Garlic / (coriander seeds crushed I sometimes add) / Tumeric (I sometimes add) … 30 cents?
Onion 18cents?

That comes to €3.40 (using two milks add on an extra 79 cents) So it’s working out at around 68 cents a portion (This fed the four of us with only one small lunch left over as someone LOVES this curry … no I didn’t get curry for lunch)


Tried the recipe? Like the recipe? Let me know (Leave a comment I don’t bite)