Well this one probably comes as a bit of a shock to a lot of people this morning. TAN is on strike today following an attack on a driver last night.

En raison d’une agression violente sur un conducteur hier soir sur la ligne 3, un mouvement de solidarité s’est enclenché ce matin au sein de l’entreprise. En conséquence, il a été décide de ne pas faire fonctionner le réseau (sauf les cars scolaires ce midi) aujourd’hui.

TAN Strike

So being invited to make alternative arrangements is great … good job there are so many other public transport services available 😮

Teaching classes this afternoon I’m left wondering what to do as like many people I rely on public transport or my bike to get around. Most of my students would as well.

To keep up to date on what is happening please see the Tan Website