Today is the Annual 1st Sunday of April Flea Market in Trentemoult. Flea markets are big in France and I suspect this is one of the bigger ones in Nantes with 200 – 300 people selling their goods. You’ll have kids selling their old toys .. people selling all sorts of junk (one mans trash…) … you’ll also have antique dealers not to mention food and drink. It’s on until 17:00 so still time to take the Navibus and get across.

Trentemoult Vide Grenier

You’ll find people selling all sorts and even some selling their slightly unique art 🙂

Quirky Books

The streets are packed so if crowds aren’t your thing it may be best to avoid. Parking is also tricky

The Crowds At Trentemoult

I thought this idea is really nice where you’re not allowed to haggle with the kids who are selling their old toys (so they can’t be taken advantage of)

Pas de Negotiation

All in all we picked up a number of books and tried introducing the kids to the concept of budgeting their 3 euro out.

Personally I managed to pick up a nice lego set for Charlotte even if it is missing a few pieces it’s way cheaper than new and in perfect condition (bar the 6 or so bricks … not so bad out of 463)
