OK so bar grabbing a saw and running off into the woods … this post will hopefully answer your where to find the cheapest Christmas tree in Nantes question 😀

So last week we ended up heading across to IKEA … it has become a bit of a ritual now for us. Pick up a nice Christmas tree and a few other bits and bobs that we don’t need.

Why IKEA? because they’ve actually got one of the cheapest trees going (no assembly required) at 24.99 and with a 20 euro voucher back that you can use after Christmas it’s well worth the trip. Of course, they hope you’ll end up spending more so it’ll be a win-win for them and they are probably right.

IKEA Christmas Tree

Don’t have a car? Well I ended up taking the tram.

Tree In The Tram

Just mind your back. We took the trolley just as far as the tram stop.

Is it a nice tree? We think it’s lovely but you can judge too 🙂

Our Little Christmas Tree

Would a fake tree be better in the long run? (for the environment) and you’ll be able to use it year in and year out? Well you know I’ve looked into that in the past but that’s a topic for another blog post. Suffice it to say we’ll probably be buying our tree at IKEA for another few years.