Today I bring you one of the cheapest Indians I’ve found in Nantes. It’s situated at 1 Rue Mercœur. (Up near the tour Bretagne and more importantly 2 doors away from my office)

Having forgotten her house keys the other day Val came in to collect mine and I said what the hell … Indian? 🙂 People in the office have been ordering here for a while however I just don’t do takeaways so this was my first time trying it out. They’ve got pretty much a standard menu with a few nice extras namely the “Thali du Jour” and the Naan sandwich.

I ended up opting for the Thali du jour going with the beef curry with a garlic naan. Val had the chicken with a cheese naan. So I suspect as a result it wasn’t at the 9.50 advertised but at 10.50 I’ll need to check again (and I will be checking again)

Thali du jour

Plateau traditionnel indien compose du’un curry au choix de 4 mets varies et d’un naan

The naan I found huge (Garlic in my case .. it’s folded in the photo above) .. the Dhal soup hit the spot. The pakora was incredibly tasty … just enough rice and the beef curry was great. The creamy dish I’ll have to discover again I guess the yoghurt in it helps reduce the kick if you find the curry too spicey. Did I leave stuffed? No … that’s also, however, a good thing as I had to work for the afternoon.

Would I recommend it? Most definitely. The students in my WordPress class at the Ecole de Design told me that back home this might cost 2 euro! Well I for one was happy out and if you’re looking for a nice cheap (for Nantes) and cheerful meal you can’t go wrong with a Thali du Jour from Wandi