Chateau Museum

Here’s a reminder that yes this weekend it’s the first Sunday of the month and as such the museums are free in Nantes.

This includes:

The Château has a lot about the history of Nantes, there’s also the new “Rock ! Une histoire nantaise” expo that just opened the other day.

The Natural History museum is more generic but if you’ve got small kids it can be well worth a visit and they’ve also got 2 temporary exhibits finishing up shortly.

As it’s free you can probably expect them to be packed even more so with the school holidays at the moment.

Natural History Museum

If you’ve got small kids they’ll no doubt be super impressed with all the animals on display.

Inside The Natural History Museum

Museums are free on the first Sunday of the month from September to June (Not during Le Voyages à Nantes). Where the first Sunday is a public holiday they’ll be free the second Sunday though you’ll want to confirm.