
Cooking is a hobby of mine. It’s quite a nice hobby to have as we tend to need to eat every day. Most of the meals I share are meals that the kids will eat, where curries and spicy food are involved they probably lack a bit of a kick as well. A big part of the fun with recipes is modifying them … adding a bit more of this and a bit more of that. I try to link to the original authors though these days I’ll tend to have a browse online and then just do my own thing anyways.

Enjoy and if you like or end up making anything please leave a comment. It’s always nice to know someone else has been inspired by what you’ve made.

Onion Bhajis Jimmy Style

Onion Bhajis Jimmy Style

I think I started making onion bhajis about a year ago (maybe it was 2 … time flies when you’re having fun). I’ve made some good ones, I’ve made some great ones. For me, the first key ingredient is gram flour. You can pick some up in one of the...
Cake with Goats Cheese and Olives

Cake with Goats Cheese and Olives

Hang on didn’t the title say cake? What do olives and goat cheese have to do with anything? Well in France cake means something quite different. In France a cake is a savoury dish. It also seems to be the dish that the world and it’s mother make especially...
A quick steak stir fry

A quick steak stir fry

It’s lunch time and you want something tasty but quick … I give you a 15 minute steak stir fry! This is a rather quick stir fry it needs a few ingredients however you might not have to hand. Apart from the ginger though they keep for ages when opened. You...
Lentil Spag Bol

Lentil Spag Bol

Without a doubt Spaghetti Bolognese has got to be one of my favourite dishes. To the extent that yes if I see it on a menu in a restaurant I’ll think about it 😀 It’s one of those things that I suspect every student learns how to cook as it’ll be...


This is an incredibly quick and simple recipe. It’s perfect for an apero or like I just did … for a refreshing lunch. First thing is first however … kiss your loved ones goodbye! We’re going having raw onion and raw garlic here 🙂 For the...
Crocodiles for dinner anyone?

Crocodiles for dinner anyone?

No we’re not actually having crocodiles for dinner. Can you imagine being a 3 year old and being told you’re having crocodiles though? The name came from a french friend Caroline who makes similar for her kids. This is an incredibly tasty recipe even if I...
Oven Roast Summer Veg

Oven Roast Summer Veg

It’s amazing the difference in flavours you can get by simply changing the way you cook something. Normally I like to fry courgette / tomato / shallot in a pan and maybe add in a small tub of tomato sauce (or not) … changing the method to simply putting it...
Quick and easy Sausage Rolls!

Quick and easy Sausage Rolls!

If you didn’t grow up with sausage rolls you probably don’t miss them. For me it’s one of those things I didn’t realise I missed until I had some again. A neighbour Marie put me onto this and it’s a fun one you can easily make with the...
Quick grilled pizza bites

Quick grilled pizza bites

Here’s a pretty quick one to share at an apéro. We took it to a picnic tonight and it went down a treat. So you’re going to need: 2 white onions (The ones that have fresh green bits on) 3 – 4 Tomatoes Bacon 1 flat baguette Cheese (Emmental) Fry up...
Spinach and Bacon Quiche

Spinach and Bacon Quiche

It’s time for a quicky! … erm I mean a quiche! This is the perfect dish to bring to an apéro or a picnic / beach. It’s also quite quick and easy to make. You can have it hot or cold and most people I’ve given it to really love it. The kids...
Courgette, Tomato, and Mozerella Tart

Courgette, Tomato, and Mozerella Tart

I have a confession to make… I write down recipes on my blog so that I remember them (I come back and go oooh I could make that tonight). This is one that a few people who have tried have asked me to share though so here goes. It requires some basic enough...
Asparagus wrapped in Bacon with Poached Egg

Asparagus wrapped in Bacon with Poached Egg

So I saw a request for Breakfast the other day on the KN Group and I immediately thought of this. It’s just one of those meals that’s so simple yet so tasty. Whenever I end up cooking it it’s a huge success so what the hell why not share it. First...
Salmon and Leek Quiche

Salmon and Leek Quiche

Chez nous we generally end up making a spinach and bacon quiche. It’s our go to quick bake for picnics and apéros. We however found ourselves with a bit of a surplus of leeks the other day (Thanks to a friend’s AMAP order) so we went a different route and...
Jimmy’s Guinness Stew

Jimmy’s Guinness Stew

Hello darkness my old friend …. I’ve come to cook with you again …. With St. Patrick’s day just around the corner I thought now would be a perfect time to share my recipe for Jimmy’s Guinness Stew. We actually started making this for friends from Lorient...
Salmon with Broccoli and Cream Cheese Pasta

Salmon with Broccoli and Cream Cheese Pasta

Finding myself home alone with the kids this week and wanting to prepare quick meals after I collect them I opted for a firm favourite last night, Salmon with Broccoli and Cream Cheese. This only needs 4 ingredients and is pretty quick to make. I’m using Frozen...